Welcome to our farm.
We are a family run farm and the goats are a mother-daughter effort. Callie, my daughter, enjoys the business and marketing aspects. Angie, that’s me, makes the products and cares for the goats. Together, we run the business.
We've been raising goats since 2002. Eric, my husband and Callie’s daddy, was on the local police force at the time and received a call that a lady had "goats on her roof and couldn't get them down." The half-wild goats were pygmies, and they were jumping back-and-forth from trees to her roof - over and over again. The lady was afraid her roof might collapse. No one knew what to do with them once we caught them, so of course, I took them home to raise them. This began our love for goats - animals with personality AND attitude.
We began showing our goats in 2004 at the local county Fair. As with most things, when you get started, you learn as you go. We learned the rules of showing, and, once we learned, we started winning. People began asking Callie to show their goats. We had our very first dairy goat given to us at a goat show by Anne Marie, and we fell in love with dairy goats. We've been raising them ever since.

From our farm
for your body
For our farm, and your products, we are breeding for low maintenance, high performing dairy goats. We want more time enjoying our goats and less time worrying about worming and health issues. The only way to accomplish this is to seek out the best genes/traits in our does and build on them. Yes, this does take time - but we are all happier as a result - so it is time well spent.
We have found that the Recorded Grade Breeds are some of our best. They combine the best of the body structure of the Nubian with the milking strength of the La Macha and are more disease resistant.We breed for structurally correct, long and tall goats with a great mammary system. We want goats that not only show and milk well, but are healthy and happy - and will Rock the Farm!